AKM is obviously the answer, but you should also know why!Has been viewed 40 million times on Brandon Meek is from Austin, Texas and is a trained gun expert In the video, he is seen using AWM, Scar (heavy, he couldn't findJun 02, 21#BattleGroundsMobile #SpinnyGuns Spinny gun collect weapons and earn points Shoot at the moving targets, get money, enlarge your collection Hit all the targets in this Android game You will have several types of rifles at your disposal, with the help of which you will have to perform various tasks You need to hit the Read More

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The new G36C has been recently released in PUBG Mobile and it has sparked an imaginary debate amongst players, is it better than the ScarL?SCARL PUBG MOBILE fires 556mm rounds and has both a single and a full auto mode Light recoil, stability, and accuracy make this weapon easier toWith one click use it easily In this page you can download an image PNG (Portable Network Graphics) contains HD SCAR L Gun PUBG Weapon Skin PNG isolated, no background with high quality, you will help you to not lose your time to remove his original
Alongside sounds, the weapons are really well modeled and have great textures!May 26, 21Reload time is the time that is taken by a player to reload the gun and fire again It is to be noted that both M416 and Scar L have the same reload time of 23 seconds Equal Armor When you look into the penetration, here too both of them stand on the same platform Scar L and M416 have the same armor of 556 ammoIncreased reload time by 30% for the SCARL, M16, and M416
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May 16, 21About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &You know my favorite gun in PUBG mobile is DP28 But whenever I don't find this gun I always prefer to AKM after this I am not bragging about myself but many times I killed the whole squJun 12, Today, we will compare the M416 and ScarL guns in PUBG Mobile M416 vs SCARL Comparison without attachments Image Credit Artstation M416 is a far more stable option than SCARL The vertical

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SCARL deals 41 Damager per Hit Trust me learn the AK recoil, the M4 will get its nerf sooner or later Atm the M4 is a typical Noob Weapon, you dont even need to compensate recoil with it M4 is a typical Noob Weapon sounds kind of Salty well you dont need any type of skill to master its recoil, its the P90 of PUBGApr 07, 21Eliminate 0 enemies with the SCARL in Arena This may sound like a lot of kills And it is But with solid play, 15 kills per arena match isn't too much to expect It's readily available, too, so you won't go a single round without adding to your tally Kill enemies with SCARL in Classic mode The SCARL is a dependable gunPUBG weapons, PUBG gun, PUBG parts, PUBG weapon list, PUBG ar, PUBG sr, pubg wiki, pubg rifle Current PUBG Players 285,912 Home Leaderboards Weapon Analysis Map Info OPGG Index

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Nov 16, 19Gun enthusiast Brandon Meek through his channel Texas Plinking uploaded a reallife video of guns used in PUBG Mobile The video titled PUBG Guns In Real Life!With one click use it easily In this page you can download an image PNG (Portable Network Graphics) contains HD SCAR L Gun PUBG Weapon PNG isolated, no background with high quality, you will help you to not lose your time to remove his original backgroundOct 13, Vertical grip is useful for those guns for instance SKS for mid range and long range Applicable for M416, SCARL, AUG A3, SKS, UMP9, Vector, Tommy Gun,QBZ95, Mk47, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K Half Grip Half grip (Image credit PUBG Gamepedia) It helps to control bot vertical and horizontal recoil of the gun

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The SCARL and M416 have same base damage (damage done per bullet) But the M416 however, has a higher fire rate, so it does more damage per second than the SCAR So if you have the SCARL and you get into a fight with a player with the M416, bothM16 Black HK416 replacer for the M4A1 for that extra PUBG feel here SCARL replacer for the Mk18, although it uses custom anims and comes with an angled foregrip byJosiah has given a great answer It's a great gun Problem is a lot of guns are ignored in pubg and mutant is one of them Such guns need a lot of practice and are devastating in some people's hands Like chinese pros are famous for using m16a4 (w

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